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“The Anti-Vax Right Are the REAL Snowflakes.” – Says RINO Adam Kinzinger Who’s on Jan 6 Committee with Liz Cheney

By Joe Hoft – The GatewayPundit.com
Published December 29, 2021 at 7:16am

This guy is more than a RINO.  He’s weird too.  

Rep. Adam Kinzinger is a disgrace to America and the conservative movement.  He is now claiming that the COVID vaccine is healthy and ” The anti-vax right are the REAL snowflakes.”

RINO Kinzinger is not liked by Republicans or Democrats.  The people in his district hate him which is why he is not running again for reelection in 2022.   President Trump knows who Kinzinger really is and he let him know it.

Snowflakes Come Out In Full Force To Boycott Home Depot For A Really Stupid Reason

Billionaire Bernie Marcus, the co-founder of Home Depot, plans to use part of his fortune to make sure President Donald Trump gets re-elected in 2020. The billionaire’s net worth varies depending on who you ask. Forbes estimates his net-worth to be $5.8 billion, while Bloomberg estimates it to be at $4.53 billion. Marcus, however, declines to say what exactly he’s worth.

Democrats are suddenly hearing the news, a week after the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported about Marcus’ plans. And, in a typical liberal fashion, they’re having a meltdown. 

They’ve now launched a Home Depot boycott over Marcus’ political contributions.

Out of all of the things liberals could be upset about, this is what they choose? Police officers in Arizona were kicked out of Starbucks and they’re not upset. Veterans don’t get the treatment they need and liberals aren’t upset. 

It’s like they’re always looking for something to complain about. Always. 

And, in case they weren’t aware, people have the free will to do whatever they want with their money.

Just like they can choose to shop elsewhere, Mr. Marcus can use his money to help get his candidate re-elected. It’s called being an American and participating in the political process.