If like us, you’re marveling at the new life form called ‘snowflakes.’ You’re invited to join us as we explore their logic-defying and all too often
This blog is for you whether you think you know a snowflake, are a snowflake yourself, or, you are the parents of one or more snowflakes. No matter, you’re invited to weigh in by posting and sharing your personal comments, insights, and stories. Share your angst and the zeitgeist as you see it.
We think that if you’re like us, you’ve had one or more interactions with someone who believes the world revolves around them, and for some crazy reason the rest of us can’t understand, believes they don’t need any skin in the game of life — no contribution of work or participation on their part, yet they feel righteously and justly deserving of their share of what others produce.
Truth be told, they believe they can and should de rigueur, be allowed to invoke their unique sense of privilege allowing them the freedom to enjoy life’s spoils without the toils.
Hold on a moment… what about the mortgage and car payments, taxes, insurance, and utility payments, grub money and all the rest of the stuff that drives us normals to drink, er, uh, I mean, to have to work in order to pay for life’s bare necessities?
You’re invited to share your experiences, interactions and so on with us about this strange new life form. And while you’re sharing, give us your best take on what you think best defines ‘snowflake privilege.’
Our intent is to make snowflakeprivilege.com the place where everyone can meet and have fun hanging on to our sanity. It should be a lot of fun.